Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reading Program

Ardmore Avenue Elementary School has used the Success for All Reading Program for three years. To read more, click on the link: Success for All - Powerful Instruction. Children in Kindergarten are immersed in the program all day long while the students in 1st through 6th grade receive reading instruction with students who are their same reading level for 90 minutes a day. That means that a third grader reading on 3rd grade level is in a different reading group than a third grader that reads on 6th grade level, and this encourages and supports development in reading at the student's pace and capability.
Click here on Evaluation Tools to learn more.:

From their website, they list the four areas of assessment and evaluation to ensure that our students are achieving proficient in Reading.
"Class Record-Keeping and Source Documents: Lesson-cycle tools include the team score sheets that students use to record their goals and team scores, teacher cycle record forms and results reports, and individual celebration certificates.
Class Summaries of Strategies and Skills: Based on data entered for each lesson cycle, class summary reports for reading strategies and skills are easily generated for the current grading period.
Cumulative Reports:Student mastery of core phonics skills, core comprehension strategies, and targeted skills takes place over time with repeated opportunities for instruction, practice, and assessment. Cumulative reports provide mastery information for individual students across grading periods and school years.
Grading Period Reports: Whole-school reading growth data is available on a Grade Summary Form, and more specific classroom performance, test scores, and mastery levels are available in the summary reports for reading classrooms, homeroom classes, new reading groups, and progress notes for parents. These reports are designed for use at the end and beginning of grading periods, although they can be run at any time."

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